Many parallel algorithms are purely sequential, with the same overall structure as an algorithm designed for a more standard “serial” computer. That is, there may be an input and initialization phase, then a computational phase, and then an output and termination phase. The differences, however, are manifested within each phase. For example, during the computational phase, an efficient parallel algorithm may be inherently different from its efficient sequential counterpart.
For each of the phases of a parallel computation, it is often useful to think of operating on an entire structure simultaneously. This is an SIMD-style approach, but the operations may be quite complex. For example, one may want to update all entries in a matrix, tree, or database, and view this as a single (complex) operation. For a fine-grained machine, this might be implemented by having a single (or few) data item per processor, and then using a purely parallel algorithm for the operation. For example, suppose an
is stored on an
two-dimensional torus, so that
is stored on processor
. Suppose one wants to replace each value
with the average of itself and the four neighbors
, and
, where the indices are computed
(i.e., “neighbors” is in the torus sense). This average filtering can be accomplished by just shifting the array right, left, up, and down by one position in the torus, and having each processor average the four values received along with its initial value.
For a medium or coarse-grained machine, operating on entire structures is most likely to be implemented by blending serial and parallel approaches. On such an architecture, each processor uses an efficient serial algorithm applied to the portion of the data in the processor, and communicates with other processors in order to exchange critical data. For example, suppose the
array of the previous paragraph is stored in a
torus, where
evenly divides
, so that
is stored in processor
. Then, to do the same average filtering on
, each processor
still needs to communicate with its torus neighbors
, but now sends them either the leftmost or rightmost column of data, or the topmost or bottommost row. Once a processor receives its boundary set of data from its neighboring processors, it can then proceed serially through its subsquare of data and produce the desired results. To maximize efficiency, this can be performed by having each processor send the data needed by its neighbors, then perform the filtering on the part of the array that it contains that does not depend on data from the neighbors, and then finally perform the filtering on the elements that depend on the data from neighbors. Unfortunately, while this maximizes the possible overlap between communication and calculation, it also complicates the program because the order of computations within a processor needs to be rearranged.