In the off-line case, we can search faster, if we allow some time to preprocess the set and the elements can be ordered. Certainly, if we sort the set (using
comparisons in the worst case) and store it in an array, we can use the well-known binary search. Binary search uses divide and conquer to quickly discard half of the elements by comparing the searched key with the element in the middle of the array, and if not equal, following the search recursively either on the first half or the second half (if the searched key was smaller or larger, respectively). Using binary search, we can solve the problem using at most
comparisons. Therefore, if we do many searches we can amortize the cost of the initial sorting.
On an average, a successful search is also . In practice, we do not have three-way comparisons; so, it is better to search recursively until we have discarded all but one element and then compare for equality. Binary search is optimal for the RAM comparison model in the worst and the average case. However, by assuming more information about the set or changing the model, we can improve the average or the worst case, as shown in the next sections.