LP Rounding Algorithm for Weighted Vertex Cover

In an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$, if $S \subseteq V$ is a set of vertices and $e$ is an edge, we say that $S$ covers $e$ if at least one endpoint of $e$ belongs to $S$. We say that $S$ is a vertex cover if it covers every edge. In the weighted vertex cover problem, one is given an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$ and a weight $w_v \geq 0$ for each vertex $v$, and one must find a vertex cover of minimum combined weight.

We can express the weighted vertex cover problem as an integer program, by using decision variables $x_v$ for all $v \in V$ that encode whether $v \in S$. For any set $S \subseteq V$ we can define a vector $\mathbf{x}$, with components indexed by vertices of $G$, by specifying that,

\begin{indisplay}x_v =
1 & \text{if } v \in S\\
0 & \text{otherwise}.
\end{cases}\end{indisplay} (8.1)

$S$ is a vertex cover if and only if the constraint $x_u + x_v \geq 1$ is satisfied for every edge $e = (u, v)$. Conversely, if $x \in \{0, 1\}^V$ satisfies $x_u + x_v \geq 1$ for every edge $e = (u, v)$ then the set $S = \{v \mid x_v = 1\}$ is a vertex cover. Thus, the weighted vertex cover problem can be expressed as the following integer program.

  $\displaystyle min~~~\sum_{v \in V}w_vx_v ~~~~~$(minimize the total weight)    
  $\displaystyle s.t.~~~~~~x_u + x_v \geq 1, ~~~\forall e = (u, v) \in E ~~~~~$(cover every edge of the graph)    
  $\displaystyle x_v \in \{0, 1\}~~~~ \forall v \in V ~~~~$   (every vertex is either in vertex cover or not)    

To design an approximation algorithm for weighted vertex cover, we will transform this integer program into a linear program by relaxing the constraint $x_v \in \{0, 1\}$ to allow the variables $x_v$ to take fractional values.

  $\displaystyle min~~~\sum_{v \in V}w_vx_v$    
  $\displaystyle s.t.~~~~~ x_u + x_v \geq 1, ~~~\forall e = (u, v) \in E$    
  $\displaystyle x_v \geq 0 ~~~~ \forall v \in V$    

It may seem more natural to replace the constraint $x_v \in \{0, 1\}$ with $x_v \in [0, 1]$ rather than $x_v \geq 0$, but the point is that an optimal solution of the linear program will never assign any of the variables $x_v$ a value strictly greater than $1$, because the value of any such variable could always be reduced to $1$ without violating any constraints, and this would only improve the objective function $\sum_v w_v x_v$. Thus, writing the constraint as $x_v \geq 0$ rather than $x_v \in [0, 1]$ is without loss of generality.

It is instructive to present an example of a fractional solution of equation ([*]) that achieves a strictly lower weight than any integer solution. One such example is when $G$ is a 3-cycle with vertices $u, v, w$, each having weight $1$. Then the vector $\mathbf{x} = (\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2})$ satisfies all of the constraints of ([*]) and the objective function evaluates to $\frac{3}{2}$ at $\mathbf{x}$. In contrast, the minimum weight of a vertex cover of the 3-cycle is $2$.

We can solve the linear program ([*]) in polynomial time, but as we have just seen, the solution may be fractional. In that case, we need to figure out how we are going to post-process the fractional solution to obtain an actual vertex cover. In this case, the natural idea of rounding to the nearest integer works. Let $\mathbf{x}$ be an optimal solution of the linear program ([*]) and define:

\begin{indisplay}\bar{x}_v =
1~~~~ \text{if } x_v \geq 1/2\\
0~~~~~ \text{otherwise}.\\
\end{cases}\end{indisplay} (8.2)

Now let $S = \{v \mid \bar{x}_v = 1\}$. Note that $S$ is a vertex cover because for every edge $e = (u, v)$ the constraint $x_u + x_v \geq 1$ implies that at least one of $x_u, x_v$ is greater than or equal to $1/2$.

Finally, we the analyze the approximation ratio of this algorithm. We observe that the rounding rule ([*]) has the property that for all $v$,

$\displaystyle \bar{x}_v \leq 2x_v.

Let $S$ denote the vertex cover chosen by our $LP$ rounding algorithm, and let $OPT$ denote the optimum vertex cover, we have

$\displaystyle \sum_{v \in S}w_v = \sum_{v \in V} w_v\bar{x}_v \leq 2\sum_{v \in V} w_vx_v \leq 2\sum_{v \in OPT} w_v,$ (8.3)

where the final inequality holds because the fractional optimum of the linear program ([*]) must be less than or equal to the optimum of the integer program ([*]) because its feasible region is at least as big.