To B.E./B.Tech. at M.B.M. Engineering College (1985-2013+)
Discrete Mathematical Structures (2001-2013)
Data Structures and Algorithms (1987-2002)
Principles of Programming Languages (1989-1995)
Programming Languages - FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, C/C++ Java, ADA, Modula2, Prolog, scripting languages: awk, shell (Between 1986-2005)
Computer Organization and Architecture (1988-1995 at MBM, 2010-2017 at IITJ)
Information Protection & Security (2003-2005)
Database Management (Between 2002-2006)
Computer Graphics (Between 1998-2003)
Theory of Computation (2001-2013 at MBM, 2010-2017 at IITJ, 2018-2020 at JIET)
Operating Systems (1988-1996 at MBM, 2023 at JNVU)
System Software (1988-1992)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (2004-2006)
Computer Communication and Networks (1994-1997)
Compiler Design (2018-2020 at JIET)
Artificial Intelligence (2001-2013 at MBM, 2010-2016 at IITJ)
Software Engineering (2005-2006)
A Short Course on AI For All the Engineering Branches
To B.Tech. at IIT Jodhpur
Theory of Computation (3rd Year, I Semester 2010-11, 2011-12, 2015-16, 2016-17)
Computer Organization (2nd Year, II Semester 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15)
Artificial Intelligence (3rd Year, II Semester 2011-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16)
To M.E./M.Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering, at M.B.M.)
Theory of Formal Languages (2005-2020)
Information Retrieval (2005-2007)
Algorithms and Complexity (2008-09)
Speech and Natural Language Processing (2006-2020)
Advanced Algorithms (2015-2018 at JIET)
Distributed Algorithms (2015-2018 at JIET)