Qualifications, Affiliations & Awards

Academic Qualifications:

  1. Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Hons.) from University of Jodhpur, 1978.

  2. BARC Training School, 22nd Batch, Bombay.

  3. PhD from Faculty of Engineering, J N V University, Jodhpur, 2004.

    Thesis Title: Natural Language Processing for Word Sense Disambiguation and Information Extraction.

Awards / Membership of Research Institutions:

  1. Fellow Institution of Engineers (FIE, No. F-0184469), India.

  2. ACM Senior Membership Award  (List: Pg. 2, S.no.22)

  3. Senior Member, IEEE, USA. (Link)

  4. Eminent Engineer's award, on the occasion of 23rd National Convention of Computer Engineers, Dec. 7-8, 2008, Computer Engineering Division Board, Jodhpur Local Center, The Institution of Engineers (India). (Link)

  5. Eminent Engineer's award, on the occasion of 25th National Convention of Computer Engineers, Feb. 4-6, 2011, Computer Engineering Division Board, Udaipur Local Center, The Institution of Engineers (India).  (Link)

  6. M S Ramanujam Memorial Lecture award, on the occasion of 27th National Convention of Computer Engineers, Feb. 4-5, 2013, Rajasthan State Centre, The Institution of Engineers (India). (Link)

  7. Member ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education).