
  1. For the graph shown in figure [*] find out the maximum flow. The weights given on edges are of maximum capacities of the edges.

    Figure: Flow graph.
    Image fig1

  2. List the minimum $s$-$t$ cuts in the flow network shown in figure [*].

    Figure: Flow graph.
    Image fig2

  3. What is minimum capacity of a $s$-$t$ cut in the flow network shown in figure [*].

    Figure: Flow graph.
    Image fig3

  4. For the graph shown in figure [*], answer the followings:
    1. Is this the maximum $s$-$t$ flow in this graph? Justify.
    2. Find the minimum $s$-$t$ cut in this flow network.

      Figure: Flow graph.
      Image fig4

      Note: In $x/y$, $x$ is flow and $y$ is capacity. In case of single value, it is flow.

  5. Re-write the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in your words and explain its working.