Pre-requisites, Topics and outcomes
Course Name: Master's and PhD Dissertation guidelines, 2024. Institute name: MBM University, Jodhpur
Pre-requisites: Mathematics, Statistics, Probability Theory, Computer Fundamentals, Python, AI
Basic Concepts
The thesis typesetting work can be made more efficient, accurate, and repetition-free using modern computerized tools, that are availabe online as well as offline. Among these the most common is Latex. This helps automatic generation of page numbering, table of contents, indexes, and bibliography. The Latex can be installed in Windows by name Miktek or Texmaker, and in Linux as Taxmaker or Kile. The Texmaker (Latex) can also be used online through its website Alternatively, a WYSIWYG tool whose files can be directly converted into Tex files if Lyx. All these tools are Open source and Free.
Latex Templates for writing PhD / Master's Thesis
Latex/doc templates for research articles
Following are the templates of research articles, in .tex form and how their compiled .pdf files, to get idea as how the source file gets formatted through latex.