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Faculty Development Programs

Aims and Objectives

Faculty development in computer science and other Engineering courses involves refining teaching methodologies and pedagogical skills to effectively convey technical knowledge. It also aims to keep educators informed about the latest advancements in the field, ensuring their curriculum remains current and pertinent. Encouraging research initiatives, fostering collaboration with industry, and promoting the integration of emerging technologies into teaching practices are additional objectives aimed at cultivating a vibrant and responsive computer science faculty.

General Faculty development Programs


The following are the outlines of a comprehensive faculty development program focused on enhancing teaching and learning models across diverse engineering disciplines, including Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Civil & Mechanical Engineering. The program aims to empower faculty members with effective pedagogical strategies tailored to specific engineering courses.

Faculty development on specific Topics


This faculty development program covers a spectrum of disciplines, including basic sciences, MBA, and PPC, with a focus on innovative teaching methods in Science & Engineering. Additionally, the program delves into specialized areas such as Information Retrieval and the use of LaTeX for technical and scientific writing.

Scientific approach to teaching /learning, Scilab, R Language, and GNU Octave


This faculty development program focuses on instilling a scientific teaching approach for engineering students, offering hands-on experience with Scilab and R-language, along with practical guidance on technical question paper setting and the evaluation of both teaching performance and students' learning. The program integrates theoretical frameworks with practical tools to enhance both pedagogical and assessment skills.

Faculty development on Python programming


This faculty development program introduces Python as a primary programming language, provides foundational training in introductory Python programming, and equips educators with tools tailored for effective teaching at the college level, fostering a comprehensive approach to programming education.

Faculty development on Generative AI


This faculty development program delves into "Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges," exploring the potential and complexities of generative artificial intelligence, offering insights and strategies for educators to navigate this evolving field in their teaching and research. Participants will gain a nuanced understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with generative AI applications.