Journals and Conference (National & International) papers
Rajendra Purohit, K R Chowdhary, S D Purohit, Analysis of Distributed Algorithms for Big-Data, In, Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4 (2023).
Rajendra Purohit and K R Chowdhary and S D Purohit, On the Design and Analysis of Parallel and Distributed Algorithms,, 2023.
Chowdhary KR, Purohit R, Purohit SD, Diagnosing Distributed Systems Through Log Data Analysis, In Congress on Smart Computing Technologies 2022 Dec 3 (pp. 493-507). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Chowdhary KR, On the evolution of programming languages, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.02699., Jun 27, 2020.
Murlidhar Verma and K. R. Chowdhary, Analysis of Energy Consumption of Sorting Algorithms on Smartphones, In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2018 held at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (India) on March 26-27, 2018.
Nitin Rajvanshi and K. R. Chowdhary, Comparison of SVM and Naive Bayes Text Classification Algorithms using WEKA, In, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2017, DOI:
K. R. Chowdhary and V. S. Bansal, Information Retrieval using probability and belief theory, In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC), 2011.
R Purohit and KR Chowdhary, Evaluation of Security System based on Failure-risk Exposure, IEEE International Conference on Trends in Networks and Computer Communication (ETNCC), 2011.
Virendra Choudhary; K. R. Chowdhary, Probabilistic approach for wireless sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Trends in Networks and Computer Communication (ETNCC), 2011.
Chowdhary K.R., Formal language Theory applied to Living Organism, At UGC National Conference on Bioinformatics and computational Technologies BioCt09), March 21-22, 2009.
Chowdhary K.R., Bioinformatics: Opportunities in Education and research, At UGC National Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational technologies (BioCt09), March 21-22, 2009.
Barwar N.C. and Chowdhary K.R., Intelligent Mobile agent based Security in Computer Networks, at UGC National Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational technologies (BioCt09), March 21-22, 2009.
Purohit Rajesh and Chowdhary K.R., Modeling Genetic Behavior in hereditary through Markov chains, At UGC National Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Technologies (BioCt09), March 21-22, 2009.
Nitin Rajvanshi, Chowdhary K.R., Reinventing Bioinformatics with XML, At UGC National Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational technologies (BioCt09), March 21-22, 2009.
Chowdhary K.R., Information Retrieval from Digital Libraries Using Probabilistic-Possibilistic Inferences, At CALIBER 2008 Allahabad (INFLIBNET's Institutional Repository: ISBN 978-81-902079-6-6.)
Purohit R. and Chowdhary K.R., Software testing using Graph Theoretic Approach, at 12th Annual Conference of Vijnana Prisha of India and National Symposium on Application of Special Functions, Deptt. of Mathematics and Statistics, JNV University, Jodhpur, Oct. 25 -- 27, 2007.
Barwar N.C. and Chowdhary K.R., Efficient Protocols for Packet Routing in Computer Networks, at 12th Annual Conference of Vijnana Prisha of India and National Symposium on Application of Special Functions, Oct. 25 -- 27, 2007, Deptt. of Mathematics and Statistics, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S., Modeling and Simulation -- Current Trends and Applications, At National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Simulations and Modeling for Real Life Complex Systems, February 23-24, 2007, Department of Computer Science and Industrial Engineering, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S., Text-Query based Image Retrieval, at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Simulations and Modeling for Real Life Complex Systems, February 23-24, 2007, Department of Computer Science and Industrial Engineering, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R., Embedding Robots into the Internet, at UGC National Conference on Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (NCACIM), Februray 16-17, 2007, Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S., Information Extraction from Natural Language, Journal CP, IE(I), Vol. 87, May 2006, pp. 14-19.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S., Word Sense Disambiguation, In Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2005, pp. 30-37.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S., A Language Model for Information Extraction, at Emerging Computational Techniques and Applications, Proc. of National conference, ECTTA-05, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.B.M. Engineering College, Faculty of Engineering, JNV University, Jodhpur, October 22-23, 2005, pp. 246--251.
Chowdhary K.R., Logic-based Hierarchical Access Control, AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Information Protection and Security, February 26-28, 2005, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, faculty of Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R., Information Security -- An Overview, at AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Information Protection and Security, February 26-28, 2005, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, faculty of Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. & Bansal V.S., Applying Dempster-Shafer Belief Functions for Information Extraction, at AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Information Protection and Security, February 26-28, 2005, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, faculty of Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. & Bansal V.S., Fuzzy Logic-based Information Retrieval, At National Seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms, January 30 -- February 1st 2003, Dept. of Computer Science, Madras University, India.
Chowdhary K.R. & Bansal V.S., Information Retrieval from Natural Language Text by Query Processing, at National Conference on Soft-Computing and its Applications, Feb. 15-17 2002, Dept. of Electrical Engineering MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R. and Bansal V.S. Current Trends in Information Retrieval, In ICADL 2001, Fourth International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries, at University of Mysore, 10-12 Dec. 2001.
Chowdhary K.R., Shared manufacturing Services on World-Wide-Web, at National Seminar on Current Applications of Computers in Design Engineering CAPCODE, March 3-4, 2001, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MBM Engineering College, Faculty of Engineering, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R., Re-engineering of Software testing, UGC National Conference on Process Re-engineering, March 10-11, 2000, Dept. of Production & Industrial Engineering, M.B.M. Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, JNV University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R., Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications, at National Conference on Application of Information Technology in Socio-Industrial Development in the Next Millennium, INFOSIDE-2000, February, 26-27 1999, Lachoo Memorial College of Science, Jodhpur.
Chowdhary K.R., Knowledge-based Systems for Natural Language Processing, at In National Workshop on Recent Advances in Computer Science & Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Banasthali Vidhyapith, Feb 9-10, 1999.
Chowdhary K.R., Design Issues in Network Security, at National Conference on Information Technology Scenario For National Development in 21st Century INFOTECH-2000, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, JNV University, Jodhpur, 23-24 March, 1998.
Chowdhary K.R. and Surana D.C., Micro-Computer Applications Laboratory, In International Conference on Impact of Microcomputers on Education: Issues and Techniques, at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore, May 21-24, 1986 (Proceedings of EDUCOMP'86)
Chowdhary K.R., Microprocessor-based Data Acquisition System for Atomic Power Plants, At 9th National Systems Conference NSC-85, December 21-23, 1985, MNREC, Allahabad.
Chowdhary K.R., Microprocessor-based systems in Control and Data Acquisition in Process Plants -- a Qualitative Approach, In Symposium on Process Instrumentation and Control for Power Plants and Nuclear Facilities, April 12-13, 1983, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay.
Chowdhary, K.R., Micro-Processors in Process Control, In Instruments and Electronics Journal, Vol. III No. 4, Nov. 1982.